
How to Find FGSC

Waltham Abbey is best approached from Junction 26 of the M25, following the signs to the Lee Valley Country Park. OS Map Reference: 538250,204250, Postcode: EN9 2EG/Google, What3Words: fork.cares.aside.  Use SatNav to get to the junction of B194 and Stubbins Hall Lane.  Do not use “Fishers Green Lane” turning from B194. Please note Parking-Eye/PCN information below.

 1. Approach the club is via the B194 from Harlow and Nazeing or from Waltham Abbey. From the B194, turn into Stubbins Hall Lane, the well-signposted approach to the Lee Valley Park Farms.

B194 approach from Harlow/Nazing.


B194 approach from Waltham Abbey


 2. The entrance road then divides into three; take the middle route through the barrier and follow it round past the car parks and toilets for the Wildlife Centre.


 3. Continue along the road towards the overflow car park, taking the right hand  fork.


 4. Continue past the overflow car park, taking the right hand fork.



 5. The final part of our access road is secured by a barrier that may padlocked. Members are provided with the combination to the lock.  Note that this is the combination padlock on the left of the gate (on a bar shared with a normal padlock) and not the box on the post to the right.  Visitors should call the club house on  01992 892505 and someone will let you in.


 6. At the boundary of the Club site is an electronically controlled gate, activated by a code or by a FGSC Membership Card. Visitors should call the club house on  01992 892505 if no one is already there to meet you.


Parking Eye/PCN

The access road to Fishers Green Sailing Club is monitored by ANPR cameras from Parking Eye Ltd to enforce charging at the Lee Valley car-park. Any vehicles passing along the road to our club and not stopping at the car-park, passes through a second set of cameras which should remove the vehicle from the chargeable database. We have seen instances where the second camera fails to register the vehicle passing through, resulting in an erroneous Parking Charge Notice (PCN) from Parking Eye being sent to the registered keeper of the vehicle asking for a £100 payment


If you receive a PCN having visited our club, please contact us using for details of how to get it cancelled.

You may also wish to appeal the PCN on the Parking Eye website, explaining that you were visiting Fishers Green Sailing Club.